Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Digicult - Avenida de Bélgica - 2006

Increible album. La foto de la tapa seguramente es de España, porque si mal no recuerdo ese tipo de cartelitos son los que están en los cascos históricos de las calles españolas =). Disfruten este disco con un toke de sonido old school muy buena onda muy melódico.


Incredible album. The photo from the cover surely is from Spain,if my memory isn't wrong those little billboards are used in the Spanish cities. Enjoy the album with a little old school sound. really nice, well done an pretty melodic =).

Contrib.: Psicko-DLA

Link fixed, no

Passwd 合言葉: Amoebalopsy.Blogspot.Com

Megalopsy - The abstract machine - 2005

Psytrance argentino! | Argentinian psytrance! | アルゼンチンのプッサイ トランズですね!

Megalopsy website | Megalopsy の サイト

Link fixed, no
Leech! - Bajar! - ダウンロード! (73mb)

Passwd 合言葉: Amoebalopsy.Blogspot.Com

Galactika - Lemon strike - 2006

This guy is "Alexander Dorkian", AKA, "Dualnok" and "NOK".

Link fixed, no
Leech! - Bajar! - ダウンロード! (113mb)

Passwd 合言葉: Amoebalopsy.Blogspot.Com

Lamat - Master control - 2006

Link fixed, no

Passwd 合言葉: Amoebalopsy.Blogspot.Com

F.F.T. - Future frequency technology - EP Vynil - 2006

Link fixed, no

Passwd 合言葉: Amoebalopsy.Blogspot.Com

Optokoppler - Bugfix - 2006

Great albums from Optokoppler, this guys are grom Germany nd they play since 2003. This are all their releases. =) Amoeba's Special delivery! Enjoy.

Passwd 合言葉: Amoebalopsy.Blogspot.Com

Optokoppler - Replugged - 2005

Passwd 合言葉: Amoebalopsy.Blogspot.Com

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Cosmosis - Akashtic - 2005

This albums should have been here from the beggining but... here they are!

Passwd 合言葉: Amoebalopsy.Blogspot.Com

Cosmosis - Trancedance - 2005

Passwd 合言葉: Amoebalopsy.Blogspot.Com

Cosmosis - Contact - 2002

Passwd 合言葉: Amoebalopsy.Blogspot.Com

News! Aardvark Records presents!

Presenta | Presents

Aardvark records envió gentilmente un mail presentando sus nuevos artistas y aca están.
Aardvark records has gently sent us an email presenting their new psytrance artists & here they are.

Jeff Alford (extracto de su site | extract from his site)
DJ / Producer / Remxier | France

"...Cuando le preguntan de donde viene su amor por los sonidos sintéticos y la música electrónica, Jeff Alford nunca se molesta para responder. Siempre nombra al pionero de la música electrónica JNJ como su fuente de inspiración. Tropezando con el sonido de JMJ a la edad de 10 años, Jeff nunca miró hacia atrás. Sedujo con los sonidos del Hip-Hop a los 16 y para los 18 años ya producía progressive trance, no obstante con una pizca del sonido break en sus sesiones..."

"...When asked where his love of synthetic sounds and electonica music comes from, Jeff Alford never hesitates when giving his answer. He always quotes the electronica soundscape pioneer JMJ as his source of inspiration. Stumbling across JMJ’s sounds at the age of 10, Jeff never looked back. Jeff flirted with the sounds of Hip Hop at 16 and by 18 he was producing Progressive Trance; albeit with an underlay of breaks in his rhythm sections..."

En su sitio se pueden escuchar sus tracks vía streaming y ver videos, tambien bajar ringtones y demas de esas yerbas modernas.

At his site you can listen to his tracks via streaming and watch videos, algo download ringtones and all those marvellous trachie novells.

Visitar el micrositio de Jeff Alford | Visit Jeff Alford's microsite

Zetan Spore (extracto del site | extract from it's site)
DJ / Producer | UK

"...Evolucionando desde fiestas gratis y los circuitos de festivales de mediados de los 90's los mellizos Ian y Mark Hasdell se encontraron con algo extraordinario. Maravillados por clubbers, surfers, skaters y adisctos a la adrenalina que querían más de su musica dance, buscando un sonido mas fuerte para sus cabezas. Este es un mundo donde los fans tienen sus ideales, sabiendo lo que quieren y lo que les gusta. Zetan Spore captura el espiritu a la perfección..."

"...Evolving from the free party and festival circuit of the mid ‘90s, twin brothers Ian and Mark Hasdell have tapped into something extraordinary. Jaded clubbers, surfers, sk8ers and adrenaline junkies want something more from their dance music…wanting a bigger bang for their buck. This is a world where dance music fans have their own minds, know what they like and know what they want. Zetan Spore captures the spirit of this zeitgeist to perfection…"

En su sitio se pueden escuchar sus tracks vía streaming y ver videos, tambien bajar ringtones y demas de esas yerbas modernas.

At his site you can listen to his tracks via streaming and watch videos, algo download ringtones and all those marvellous trachie novells.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Bio-Tonic - Klash - 2006

Muy buen album de Bio-Tonic, segundo y ultimo release del trío francés. Con este último Amoebalopsy cuenta con todos los releases de estos artistas.


Nice album from Bio-Tonic, second and last release from this french artists. With this one, now Amoebalopsy has all BioTonic's releases.

Passwd 合言葉: Amoebalopsy.Blogspot.Com

Johann Bley - Blow your mind - 1998

Otro de Johann para la colección, bastante bueno de por si. Y para los que no se acuerdan "Johann Bley" es parte de "Juno Reactor".


Another from Johann for the colection, pretty good I must say. And for the ones that doesn't know or maybe forgot, "Johann Bley" is part of "Juno Reactor".

Passwd 合言葉: Amoebalopsy.Blogspot.Com

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Hujaboy - Sonic tonic - 2003

This is a barely new artist for me but since I've discovered it, I've managed to gel most of his albums! Give it a try in case u don't know this one, i think u'll like it.

Passwd 合言葉: Amoebalopsy.Blogspot.Com

F.F.T. - Future frequency technology - 2006

One of the new artists from AP records, enjoy! The "Future frequency technology" EP Vinyl will be posted soon.

Passwd 合言葉: Amoebalopsy.Blogspot.Com

Black and white - Frame by frame - 2005

The long awaited album =)

Passwd 合言葉: Amoebalopsy.Blogspot.Com

Crap - Issue #1 - Spanish / English

Grandes cambios de Amoebalopsy

Visto y considerando que hay cierto "usuario" con una dirección IP clase A que está dejando mensajes a mi nombre, y no me causa ninguna gracia, decidí cambiar ciertas normas del blog en sí. Entre ellas, las siguientes.

- El "Blogmaster" de este Blog -por ninguna razón- va a dejar mensajes en la "Shoutbox", en su lugar se van a dejar "Posts" en el Blog marcados en el blog como "FAQs" (tal como este). Si el evento se repite, se va a evaluar el remover la "Shoutbox".

- Comentarios, ahora cualquier usuario registrado o no a Blogger puede dejar comentarios en los discos y posts. Los comentarios están moderados, asi que el postear comentarios sin sentido no tiene mucho futuro.

- Contacto con el "Blogmaster", me pueden contactar usando la sección "Correo - Mail - メール" que tiene una enorme flecha verde. En el Blog está debajo de la sección "Links". La dirección de mail para contacto es nueva también y es "".

Si todo esto no es suficiente no va a haber ni más comentarios ni mas "Shoutbox" y listo porque para andar explicando sin sentido no sirve. El blog no tiene ese fin.

Supongo que sabrán entender...


English version:

Amoebalopsy's great changes

I've been warned and I've saw that there's a "user" with a class A IP address that's leaving messages in the "Shoutbox" as me, this is not considerable as OK and that's the main reason for the further changes in the blog's policy shown below:

- The "Blogmaster" of this Blog, by no reason is going to leave messages in the "Shoutbox", Instead, Blog posts tagged as "FAQs" (like this one) are going to take place. If this event is repeated I will evaluate the possibility of removing the "Shoutbox".

- Comments, from now on comments on posts are available to everybody, registered and unregistered, even anonymous, but the comments are moderated, so if you think you are smart leaving a stupid comment, you are not because it's not going to get anywhere.

- "Blogmaster" contact, you can contact me using the "Correo - Mail - メール" section wich has a BIG green arrow and you can send me a mail there. The e-mail address for this purpose is new too, the Blog works only with this new one and is "".

If all this is not enough, I think that there's not going to be more comments and either no more "Shoutbox" because all this is a waste of time for me and you that are reading, this is not what the blog is meant for.

I think that u'll know what I mean and will understand me...


Save the robot - Battle of the mind - 2005

"Save the robot" no es nada más ni nada menos que un proyecto de "Ari Linker" e "Ido Liran". Yo estuve buscando este disco hace rato pero no tuve tiempo de bajarlo y una buena persona lo subió para nosotros =).

"Ari Linker" para los que no les -suena-, es parte de "Alien Project", supongo que ahí se van a emocionar un poco más. En fin este proyecto es más que interesante y este es su único release, asi que disfruten. =)


"Save the robot" is no more and no less than a project by "Ari Linker" & "Ido Liran". I've been looking for this album quite long but I didn't had time to download it, and now, a good person uploaded it for us =).

"Ari Linker", for the ones that this name is not ringing any bell, is part of "Alien Project" (yeah yeah yeah now all the bells are ringing together and a big crowd is jumping...) well this project is more than intresting and they only have one release out and here it is for you, so enjoy!


Passwd 合言葉: Amoebalopsy.Blogspot.Com

Compilation - Pyramidal Trancendence - 2006

Como me dijo el "ciudadano de la provincia 26" quien subio este disco, suena bastante old school y es verdad a mi me gusto, bien FULL ON!


As the "26th province citizen" told me, this one sounds pretty old school and he was right, i really liked this one, pretty FULL ON!


Passwd 合言葉: Amoebalopsy.Blogspot.Com

Friday, January 19, 2007

Juno reactor - Transmissions - 1993

Leech! - Bajar! - ダウンロード! (91mb)

Passwd 合言葉: Amoebalopsy.Blogspot.Com

1200 Micrograms - 1200 Micrograms - 2002

Leech! - Bajar! - ダウンロード! (90mb)

Passwd 合言葉: Amoebalopsy.Blogspot.Com

Perplex - Tranceporter - 2004

Passwd 合言葉: Amoebalopsy.Blogspot.Com

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Perplex - Circles of life - 2004

Revised 23/02/07, No, still available.

Leech! - Bajar! - ダウンロード! (99mb)

Passwd 合言葉: Amoebalopsy.Blogspot.Com

Bamboo forest - Revival - 2005


Passwd 合言葉: Amoebalopsy.Blogspot.Com

Juno reactor - Shango - 2000

First released by Electric Melt on the 10th September 2000 Shango features a number of MELT artists like Mabi Thobejane, Deepak Ram, Boris Salchack, Busi Mhlongo and the 3 members Amampondo Mandla Lande, Simpiwe Matole and Michael Ludonga. Tracks like "Pistolero" and "Masters of the Universe" found their ways into big Hollywood productions like "Once Upon A Time in Mexico" or MATRIX for which Ben Watkins of Juno Reactor wrote a big chunck of the soundtrack.

Passwd 合言葉: Amoebalopsy.Blogspot.Com

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Talamasca - Zodiac - 2004

Leech! - Bajar! - ダウンロード! (109mb)

Passwd 合言葉: Amoebalopsy.Blogspot.Com

Talamasca - Beyond the mask - 2000

Leech! - Bajar! - ダウンロード! (100mb)

Passwd 合言葉: Amoebalopsy.Blogspot.Com

Eskimo - Take a look out there - 2004

Contrib.: Psicko-DLA

Passwd 合言葉: Amoebalopsy.Blogspot.Com

Compilation - Goa Head Volume 20 - 2005

Contrib.: Psicko-DLA

Passwd 合言葉: Amoebalopsy.Blogspot.Com

Compilation - Rocxperience Vol. 2 - 2006

01 Schaedelleuchten - New system (5:56)
02 Gataka - Weird 60's experience (6:57)
03 Aphid moon - Rock star (7:12)
04 Lani - Summer of love (8:19)
05 Skazi + Paranormal attack - Fucking on my brain (6:40)
06 S.U.N. Project - Zwork (C.O.N. Sequencer remix 2006) (8:13)
07 Xerox + Illuminatoin - Tribal mental remix (6:33)
08 Electric Shiva universe - You got to go to Goa (7:14)
09 Toxic - Rain (remix) (6:49)
10 Void - Burn (7:56)
11 Foo Fighters - Best of you (Hydraulic + E-Fact remix) (7:18)
Contrib.: Psicko-DLA
Leech! - Bajar! - ダウンロード! (109mb)

Passwd 合言葉: Amoebalopsy.Blogspot.Com

Friday, January 12, 2007

Astrix - Closer to heaven - EP - 2005

EDIT! Re-Upload!

Alguien lo habia pedido y me olvide en el momento, pero aca esta si lo quieren bajar los qu no lo tienen. Este fue el primer post de Amoebalopsy!

Someone asked for this album but i forgot at the time so if any of you want to have it, here it is. Re-uploaded, and posted. This one was the first Amoebalopsys's post =)


Vinilo de Astrix bajo el sello de Tokyo Dance, irónicamente oriundo de Alemania... en fin.
Dos tracks el primero con vocales de Michele Adamson y el segundo featuring Delirious.

Leech! - Bajar! - ダウンロード! (21mb)

Passwd 合言葉: Amoebalopsy.Blogspot.Com

Psycraft - New moves - 2004

Leech! - Bajar! - ダウンロード! (108mb)

Passwd 合言葉: Amoebalopsy.Blogspot.Com

California sunshine - Sinking sand - 2003

Leech! - Bajar! - ダウンロード! (93mb)

Passwd 合言葉: Amoebalopsy.Blogspot.Com

California sunshine - Flying eye land - 2000

Leech! - Bajar! - ダウンロード! (103mb)

Passwd 合言葉: Amoebalopsy.Blogspot.Com

California sunshine - Nasha - 1997

Leech! - Bajar! - ダウンロード! (102mb)

Passwd 合言葉: Amoebalopsy.Blogspot.Com

Compilation - Twisted flavors - 2006

Dark trance compilation.

Contrib.: Psicko-DLA

Leech! - Bajar! - ダウンロード! (116mb)

Passwd 合言葉: Amoebalopsy.Blogspot.Com

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Nissimyani - Why to be normal!? - 2004

Second and latest Nissimyani's album =)

Leech! - Bajar! - ダウンロード! (124mb)

Passwd 合言葉: Amoebalopsy.Blogspot.Com

Nissimyani - Are you free - 2003

Almost new superb Phonokol Duo!

Leech! - Bajar! - ダウンロード! (110mb)

Passwd 合言葉: Amoebalopsy.Blogspot.Com

Miranda - Asynja - 2001

Leech! - Bajar! - ダウンロード! (154mb)

Passwd 合言葉: Amoebalopsy.Blogspot.Com

Gataka - Home made madness - 2004

Con este último, se completan todos los releases de Gataka. =)


With this last one, we have online all Gataka's releases. =)

Leech! - Bajar! - ダウンロード! (84mb)

Passwd 合言葉: Amoebalopsy.Blogspot.Com

Compilation - The next generation by D.N.A. - 2006

1 Psysex & Rocky - Japanese Awa (DNA Remix) (7:08)
2 X-Noize - Rock It (Psy Craft Remix) (8:01)
3 Melicia - Running Out Of Time (DNA Remix) (7:40)
4 Domestic & X-Noize - Flaming Dart (6:47)
5 Wizzy Noise - Behemoth (DNA Remix) (7:41)
6 Quantum - Need For Lead (DNA Remix) (7:19)
7 DNA & Melicia - Magic Stick (7:05)
8 Space Cat - Kreak Take 2 (8:07)
9 Injection - Massive Attack (7:14)
Contrib.: Psicko-DLA

Leech! - Bajar! - ダウンロード! (106mb)

Passwd 合言葉: Amoebalopsy.Blogspot.Com

Gataka - In trance we trust - 2005

Contrib.: Psicko-DLA

Leech! - Bajar! - ダウンロード! (103mb)

Passwd 合言葉: Amoebalopsy.Blogspot.Com

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Wrecked Machines - Second thought - 2006

Nuevo disco del legenndario Gabriel Serrasqueiro, distribuido en europa bajo el sello "Spun records" de base española y en Japón bajo "Solstice music international" (La tapa es de la version japonesa). Wrecked machines y G.M.S. tienen un proyecto propio llamado "Growling Machines" con algunos tracks en un compilado que se llama "Wreck chords".


New album from the legendary Gabriel Serrasqueiro, distributed in Europe by "Spun records" based in Spain and in Japan by "Solstice music international" (obviously the cover is from the japanese release)

Contrib.: Psicko-DLA

Leech! - Bajar! - ダウンロード! (115mb)

Passwd 合言葉: Amoebalopsy.Blogspot.Com

Hydraglyph - Kinetic - 2006

Psicko-DLA release

Leech! - Bajar! - ダウンロード! (115mb)

Passwd 合言葉: Amoebalopsy.Blogspot.Com

Compilation - Zoom, a collection of psychedelic tunes - 2005

Psicko-DLA release

01 Freq - Icecream
02 Auricular - Snatcher
03 Triptych - Wicked Jimmy
04 Silver Surfers - Max E Flow
05 Wrecked Machines + GMS + Pixel - Bend Of Mischief
06 Intersys - Unsecure
07 Hypersonic - The Beginning Of A Story
08 Space Cat - City Of Dust
09 Thujon - When The Beat Goes On
10 Yahel - Kamasutra

Leech! - Bajar! - ダウンロード! (107mb)

Passwd 合言葉: Amoebalopsy.Blogspot.Com